The Institute for Security and Development Policy regularly issues a variety of publications ranging from shorter Policy Briefs to more comprehensive studies in its Asia and Silk Road Papers series. Explore the different series below. If you’d like to contribute to our publications, please contact Jagannath Panda, Editor, at, and read our submission guidelines.
Religion in Southeast Asia: Diversity and the threat of extremes
Until recently, parents in Thailand would leave their children in Buddhist temples while they worked the fields and factories. Buddhist monks would act as caretakers and teachers. Religious education was […]
Green Light for Tajikistan’s Rogun Dam?
After decades of delay, a hydropower dam project in Tajikistan that will cost US$3-5 billion, involve the relocation of around 42,000 people and enrage downstream neighbors has been given an […]
Al Qaeda’s new Indian subcontinent branch: What it means for Myanmar
Al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri’s statement on Wednesday that he wants to expand operations to Myanmar and the Indian subcontinent will likely result in a new wave of violence. But […]
Indonesia Coalbed Methane: Bountiful Promise Held Up By Institutional Paralysis
The publication of a report in 2003 which claimed that Indonesia has some of the best undeveloped Coalbed Methane (CBM) potential in the world brought an initial wave of excitement and […]
Media suppression imperils Myanmar reform
YANGON – Dangling from nearly every apartment in Yangon is a thin wire, running from balcony to street level. The line serves two purposes: as a doorbell and also to […]
Reed Bank: South China Sea flashpoint
The Philippines is seeking to develop the seabed hydrocarbon resources of Reed Bank in the South China Sea, an area under dispute with China. Should Manila put plan to action, […]
Looting Chinese factories won’t help the Vietnamese economy
Anti-China protests in Vietnam have attracted world-wide attention over the past few days, as hundreds have been injured and at least 21 killed. The riots were sparked by China drilling […]
MERS-CoV: Deadly SARS-like virus a warning to Southeast Asia
Most experts agree that it is only a matter of time until Asia will have to respond to another large-scale disease epidemic, as was seen with the SARS outbreak. As […]
Thailand’s judicial coup
On 21 March the Constitutional Court handed down a ruling invalidating the result of the 2 February election. The move will force new elections, which the Election Commission notes could […]
Court Ruling Reinforces Thailand’s Coup Culture and Augurs More Turmoil
Thailand’s political deadlock has shifted from the streets of Bangkok to the courts. It is there that the real battle is now being played out. A March 21 ruling by […]