The Institute for Security and Development Policy regularly issues a variety of publications ranging from shorter Policy Briefs to more comprehensive studies in its Asia and Silk Road Papers series. Explore the different series below. If you’d like to contribute to our publications, please contact Jagannath Panda, Editor, at, and read our submission guidelines.
Toward Crisis Management in East Asia’s Seas
Maritime disputes in in the East and South China Seas escalated in 2013 and remain locked in a dangerous cycle of action and reaction with the attendant danger of a direct […]
China and Vietnam: Managing Tensions in Troubled Waters
In spite of competing claims over the Spratly and Paracel Archipelagoes and maritime areas in the South China Sea, China and Vietnam have sought, with some degree of success, to […]
Carving up the Skies: China’s New Air Defense Zone
China’s establishment of a new Air Defense Identification Zone has heightened tensions in Northeast Asia, with Japan, South Korea, and the United States having been swift to react to Beijing’s […]
Hostage to History: Japan-South Korea Relations
With the two leaders of Japan and South Korea having failed to hold an official meeting between them since coming to office, historical issues remain a thorn in the the […]
South Korea’s “Island of Peace”: A Flashpoint in the East China Sea?
Renewed impetus has been put into building a military naval base on the strategically located island of Jeju, off the coast of South Korea. With the rise of tensions in […]
New Dawn or False Hope for the Korean Peninsula?
After conditions of crisis reigning on the Korean Peninsula in the first half of the year, the reopening of the Kaesong Industrial Complex, among other recent developments, heralds renewed hope […]
New Kid on the Block: South Korea as an Emerging ODA Player
South Korea has so far failed to fulfil its potential as an important player in Overseas Development Aid, with its aid having been too little and spread too thin. Meanwhile, […]
China and North Korea: A Relationship in Transition?
Military tensions on the Korean Peninsula have been escalating for several months now. The latest events with the missile launches and newly released reports on the abduction of Chinese fishermen […]
A Changing Calculus Towards North Korea in Beijing?
North Korea’s advances in nuclear weapons and missile technology, in combination with its recent escalation of bellicose rhetoric against the US and its allies, have triggered a reassessment in various […]
The Korean Peninsula in Flames?
Reflections on the present escalation of conflict on the Korean Peninsula and examines possible dialogue options to reduce the current tensions.