Shiau-Shyang Liou
Associated Senior Research Fellow
Dr. Shiau-Shyang Liou is an Associate Research Fellow at the Institute for National Defense and Security Research (INDSR), an Adjunct Assistant Professor at the Department of Diplomacy of the National Chengchi University (NCCU), and an Adjunct Instructor at the War College of the National Defense University (NDU) in the Republic of China (Taiwan). He obtained his Ph.D. in International Relations from National Chengchi University in 2011. His research focuses on Security Studies, Russian and Eurasian area studies, Arctic geopolitics, and China’s “One Belt, One Road” Initiative.
He is the author of On Yellow Peril in the Russian Far East: The Deconstruction and Construction of Identities and Interests (Chengchi University Press, 2014), and has published dozens of academic papers in professional journals and books. Furthermore, he gained “The Si-Yuan Distinguished Doctoral Thesis for the Humanities and Social Sciences Award-First Prize in the International Relations Discipline, Chengchi University Press” in 2012 (Taiwan, Mainland China, Hong Kong, and the Chinese academic community), “The 6th Ph.D. Forum Thesis Prize, China National Association for International Studies” in 2011 (Mainland China), and “The 98 Annual Prize for Doctoral Candidates in the Humanities and Social Sciences Doctoral Dissertation, National Science Council, Executive Yuan” in 2009 (Taiwan). His relevant academic works can be referenced on this website.