Helen Tung
Associated Senior Research Fellow
Helen Tung has extensive expertise in dispute resolution, specifically in arbitration, litigation, maritime and corporate matters. Ms. Tung has spoken widely on topics including the impact of law, AI, maritime security and space. She held visiting fellowships at City University Hong Kong in 2015, was a VVIP Fellow in Malaysia 2015, a MINERVA fellow at the EU- Japan Centre, Tokyo 2018-2019 and was previously a fellow visiting researcher at ISDP in 2017. Ms. Tung has seconded in major Chinese and Korean shipping law firms in Shanghai and Seoul, including partaking in a Japanese maritime law study group in Tokyo.
Ms. Tung served as a VP for the Aviation & Space committee of the Inter-Pacific Bar Association (2014-2019) and is currently the Co-Chair for Space Debris & Space Operations for the International Aeronautical Federation (IAF) and Vice-Chair for the Enterprise Risk Management Committee IAF. She is the Global Network Coordinator, and Board member of the Moon Village Association and sits on the Dubai Courts of the Future working group. Ms. Tung is also part of the Singularity University Dubai leadership in Dubai and is a TedX speaker. She has presented and written on maritime security issues, the Belt and Road Initiative and is interested in North East Asia and Middle East relations.