Search results for: S. Frederick Starr
China’s Growing International Role: Words, Deeds and Needs
...As China’s economy has grown, so has its international presence in a variety of areas, among which the military and security dimension is particularly important. This paper examines China’s...
South Korea’s Nuclear Option
...Tensions on the Korean Peninsula have been on the rise since North Korea’s nuclear tests in 2006 and 2009. Efforts to improve the security environment on the Korean Peninsula...
China’s stance on UNSC Reform: The Developing World Factor
...Pursuing smart diplomacy, building global alliance and pushing the cause of the developing world has been the hallmark of Chinese global diplomacy in recent times. Beijing’s advocacy for greater...
What’s Happening on the Korean Peninsula in 2011?
...The Korean Peninsula was in a tough and dangerous situation in 2010. The escalation of tensions started with the sinking of the South Korean warship Cheonan in March 2010...
Stepping Back From the Brink at Preah Vihear: Cambodia and Thailand’s Choice
...Regarded as a “sideshow” to U.S. foreign policy interests during America’s Vietnam era, Cambodia has often been overshadowed in the region by its more economically influential Southeast Asian neighbors....
The Role of Organized Crime and Drug Trafficking in Kyrgyzstan’s Ethnic Crisis
...On October 10, Kyrgyzstan held parliamentary elections. According to reports, the elections were surprisingly free and fair. Unfortunately, the problem of state criminalization remains. The new government will face...