Recording available: A Post-Liberal Indo-Pacific? Perspectives on the Future of the International Order

December 13, 2023: The recording of the ISDP-Sejong Institute Webinar “A Post-Liberal Indo-Pacific? Perspectives on the Future of the International Order” is now available on ISDP’s YouTube channel.
The event addresses the following questions:
- How do the Indo-Pacific strategies of the U.S., EU, India, South Korea, Japan etc., differ in their position on cooperating with non-liberal states in economic and non-traditional security issues?
- How can states manage different expectations of an “appropriate” extent of cooperation with illiberal states, and what may be some consequences of failing to do so?
- What are the implications of differing approaches toward China within various Indo-Pacific strategies, especially concerning economic collaboration, common security challenges, and the prospects for maintaining a rules-based order?
- Is it possible to combine values-based and pragmatic cooperation (or yet, to “de-securitize” economic issues as separate from security)? What are the possibilities of positive-sum Sino-U.S. cooperation?
- What are some possible benefits and drawbacks of structuring the Indo-Pacific security landscape around minilateral fora? Would ad hoc coalitions benefit from institutionalization?
- Given the current trajectory, what are the future outlooks for the liberal rules-based order as it is known today in the Indo-Pacific and worldwide?