Highlights of the Taiwan-Nordic Forum 2024

ISDP’s Stockholm Taiwan Center held the annual Taiwan-Nordic Forum onsite on Friday, April 19, 2024.
Dr. Niklas Swanström, Executive Director of the ISDP, delivered welcoming remarks and was followed by special introductory remarks from Dr. Klement Ruey-Sheng Gu, Representative of Taipei Mission in Sweden.
The forum brought together experts and scholars from the Nordic countries and Taiwan to discuss topical and important issues of mutual interest. The event was divided into three main sessions that tackled topic such as:
- Developments in Taiwan’s Relations with the Nordics
- Post-Ukraine Security Environment
- Taiwan’s Soft Power Prospects
Moderators and speakers included the following
- Dr. Julie Yu-Wen Chen, Professor, Chinese Studies at the Department of Cultures, University of Helsinki
- Dr. Chin-Peng Chu, Vice President, National Dong Hwa University
- Dr. Andreas Bøje Forsby, Senior Researcher, Danish Institute for International Studies
- Dr. Chung-Min Tsai, Professor, Department of Political Science, National Chengchi University
- Maj Gen (ret.) Mats Engman, Head of Stockholm Korea Center and Distinguished Military Fellow, Institute for Security and Development Policy
- Dr. Shiau-Shyang Liou, Associate Research Fellow, Institute for National Defense and Security Research
- Ms. Anna Rennéus Guthrie, Director, Stockholm Freeworld Forum
- Mr. Magnus Berntsson, Member of Swedish Parliament (Christian Democrats)
- Dr. Torbjörn Lodén, Professor Emeritus of Chinese Language and Culture, Stockholm University
- Dr. Jørgen Delman, Professor Emeritus of China Studies, Copenhagen University
- Dr. Huichen S. Hsiao, Professor, Department of Chinese as a Second Language, National Taiwan Normal University
The Taiwan-Nordic Forum 2024 was organized with the support of the Taipei Mission in Sweden.