Virtual Conference: Security in Northeast Asia

Tuesday 15 December 2020 / 14:00 - 15:30 /
Webinar . Zoom, Webinar.
The aim of the Security in Northeast Asia conference is to provide an overview of the most pressing security challenges and tensions that have occurred in the region over the last year. The speakers will discuss policy paths that could improve the current situation and explore various solutions that can bring the region closer together. The conference will also take a forward-looking perspective and debate on how recent developments will change Northeast Asia over the coming years. The two sessions will cover region-wide trends and significant domestic developments, including the most pressing issue of 2020 – Covid-19.
The first session of the conference will center upon developments in China, Taiwan, Japan, Russia, North and South Korea, as well as the U.S. as Northeast Asian security actors. The chair for this session is Sangsoo Lee, the Head of ISDP’s Korea Center, and we are honored to welcome three distinguished speakers for this virtual discussion. Joseph Cheng is a Retired Professor of Political Science and Coordinator of the Contemporary China Research Project, City University of Hong Kong, Akimoto Daisuke is an Associated Research Fellow with ISDP, and Lars Vargö is the Head of ISDP’s Japan Center. Register for Session 1 through this link.
The second session will identify the most significant region-wide trends and developments in Northeast Asia over the past year as well as provide an outlook for the coming year. These trends and developments will include consideration of a broad range of issues such as military, security, diplomatic, economic, as well as non-traditional security trends and challenges. We are pleased to welcome William Chung, Postdoctoral Fellow in the Division of National Security and Decision-Making at the Institute for National Defense and Security Research, Taiwan and an Assistant Professor at the National Defence University, Taiwan, Carla Freeman, Director of the Foreign Policy Institute at Johns Hopkins University’s School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), and Heungkyu Kim, a founder of the China Policy Institute and Director and Professor in the department of political science at Ajou University, ROK, for a panel discussion chaired by Mats Engman, Distinguished Military Fellow at ISDP. Register for Session 2 through this link.