ISDP Forum: China’s Strategic Priorities – Change or Continuity?

Monday 2 September 2019 / 15:00 - 16:30 / Registration starts at 14:30
Stockholm Medelhavsmuseet. Fredsgatan 2, 11152 Stockholm. Click here for a map
RSVP Register here
Sino-American trade tensions, protests in Hong Kong, and fears of a major economic slowdown have dominated the discourse on East Asia for much of the summer. China will need to react to several related challenges in the immediate future, and how it decides to do so will effect much of the region. In this ISDP Forum, Dr. Hsin Chih Chen, Professor of Political Science at National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan, will give a presentation on changes and continuities in China’s strategic attitude with a view towards unravelling some of the constraints to Beijing’s policy positions. The presentation will commented on by Dr. Lars Vargö, Distinguished Fellow at ISDP, and followed by a Q&A. The forum will be moderated by Dr. Niklas Swanström, Executive Director of ISDP.