International Conference on Human-Centered Digitalization

Friday 20 September 2019 / 09:00 - /
Graz Graz University of Technology. Rechbauerstraße 12, 8010 Graz. Click here for a map
RSVP Register here
On September 20-21, 2019, ISDP along with the European Japan Experts Association (EJEA), The Graz University of Technology (TUGraz), and the University of Graz (UnivGraz) jointly organize an international conference in Graz, Austria, entitled “Human-Centered Digitalization: How to Develop Next Generations of Humans and Robots for a Secure, Harmonic and Prosperous Future of Europe and Japan”. The aim of the conference is to identify ways of safeguarding and maintaining human integrity and values in the midst of a technological development where they become less and less necessary for the technologies to work.
The conference is part of 150 years anniversary of diplomatic relations between Japan and Austria. Find the full program and registration information here.