China’s Strategic Weapons Modernization and its Implications for the Asia Pacific Region

ASIA FORUM with Dr. RR Subramanian

China’s Strategic Weapons Modernization and its Implications for the Asia Pacific Region

May 2, 2011, 10:00 – 11:30

When former Chinese President Deng Xiaoping launched his reform agenda in 1979, military reform was one of the four areas Deng pointed out in his so called “four modernizations” program. During the last ten years we have witnessed a remarkable development in the capacity of the Peoples Liberation Army. New technologies and systems are being introduced on a massive scale and Chinese soldiers and officers are better trained than ever before.

What is still shrouded in mystery is the development and status of Chinas nuclear weapons capacity. To understand the development of Chinas strategic weapons capacity and the role these weapons play, Chinas national security strategy should not only be of interest for military specialists, but for anyone looking to have a greater understanding of this reemerging great power and recognized nuclear weapons state. Dr. Subramanian will also give a general overview of the progress of Chinas military modernization.

Dr. Ram Rajan Subramanian is an Executive Member at the Indian Pugwash Society in New Delhi, India. He holds a Ph.D. in physics from Brandies University in the U.S. and is a former Deputy Director, Disarmament, Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India. Recently Dr. Subramanian has been a visiting professor for International Politics and Disarmament at the School of International Studies at Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi, and Senior Research Associate at the Institute for Defence Studies and Analysis. His latest publications include “The Indian Ocean Rim Southern African and Regional Co-operation”, “India, Pakistan and China, Strategic Balance Panorama” and “Nuclearisation of South Asia in Canada’s Global Perspective.”

Location: ISDP, Västra Finnbodavägen 2, Stockholm-Nacka. For a map and directions, please go here.

To attend: RSVP to Ms. Ebba Mårtensson at