Important Innovations in Higher Education: New Universities in the Caucasus, Central Asia, and Afghanistan

Wednesday 20 April 2016 / 17:00 - 19:00 / Register below
Washington D.C. Rome Building Auditorium, SAIS - Johns Hopkins University. 1619 Massachusetts Ave., NW, 20036 Washington D.C.. Click here for a map
New universities are rising cross Central Asia, Afghanistan, and the Caucasus, bringing innovations and jump-starting stalled processes of reform in higher education. This forum will focus on a number of these new initiatives, with authoritative presenters on several countries.
S. Frederick Starr, Chairman, Central Asia-Caucasus Institute, JHU-SAIS
Shigeo Katsu, President, Nazarbayev University, Astana, Kazakhstan
Leslie Schweitzer, First Vice Chairman, Board of Trustees, American University of Afghanistan
Ellen Hurwitz, President Emerita, American University Central Asia (The Kyrgyz Republic)
Mamuka Tsereteli, Research Director, Central Asia-Caucasus Institute
To register for the event, follow this link.