A Paradigm Shift in Human Security: Which Way?

As a follow-up to the webinars on Human Security which were arranged in September and October, ISDP’s Japan Center is happy to invite you to another webinar, this time with a slightly more philosophical approach. Different countries have different interpretations of the concept of human security, but to what extent, if at all, can the various cultural and political backgrounds justify deviations from what has been agreed upon within the UN system? And what necessary aspects are often forgotten?
We are honored to welcome a distinguished panel of speakers for this webinar; Akiko Yamanaka, former Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs of Japan, Ulla Gudmundson, former Director of the Policy Analysis Department at the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs, and Börje Ljunggren, former Ambassador to China, author, and Senior Associate at the Swedish Institute of International Affairs. The moderator of this event will be Lars Vargö, Head of ISDP’s Stockholm Japan Center.