Search results for: Svante E. Cornell
Arabs, Turks and Persians: Geopolitics and Ideology in the Greater Middle East
...For decades, the Greater Middle East has been a leading challenge to American foreign policy. This vast region – ranging from North Africa in the west to Afghanistan in...
Central Asia in the Energy Transition
...The United States, Europe, the United Nations and more are promoting a top-down energy transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy, which shows no signs of emergence. Under this...
Svante Cornell: EU har rätt svar men på fel fråga
...Ö stra partnerskapet skapades 2009 efter Rysslands invasion av Georgien, på basis av ett svensk-polskt förslag. Tanken var att skapa ett instrument för att föra de sex länderna i...
A New Spring for Caspian Transit and Trade
...given the underinvestment in its capacity over many years. Read this article by Svante E. Cornell and Brenda Shaffer at the Central Asia-Caucasus Institute, Silk Road Studies Programme....
Promise And Peril In The Caucasus
...of the countries of the Caucasus. Read this article by Svante E. Cornell in in 1945. This was first published at the American Foreign Policy Council (AFPC) website....
Living on Different Planets: Washington, Ankara and the Zarrab Case
...This will include revisiting areas as disparate as America’s attitude to the Kurdish issue, the Gülen movement, Turkish democracy, and Turkey’s relationship with Europe. AUTHOR’S BIO: Svante E. Cornell is...
Central Asia Is Not a Breeding Ground for Radicalization
...Both in Europe and the United States, this argument is made with increasing frequency but it doesn’t reflect reality, argues Svante Cornell. On October 31, a citizen of Uzbekistan...
Centralasien – ingen grogrund för radikalisering
...närmare ett årtionde sedan”, skriver Svante Cornell. Parallellerna till dådet på Drottninggatan tidigare i år är tydliga: även där, liksom i attacker i St. Petersburg och Istanbul, var förövaren av...
Europa bör ta chansen när Kazakhstan blickar västerut
...institutioner som EU och Europarådet alltjämt en avvaktande inställning till landet. Det är hög tid att tänka om, menar freds- och konfliktforskaren Svante Cornell. Tillhör Kazakhstan Europa? För många kan...
Engulfed in the Gulf: Erdoğan and the Qatar Crisis
...Qatar crisis may be an indication of further deterioration not only of regional relations, but of U.S.-Turkish relations as well. Svante E. Cornell is Director of the Central Asia-Caucasus Institute...