Search results for: Gianluca Spezza
Understanding North Korea’s Resilience through Economy, Laws and Governance: a review of introductory sources and essential monographs
...the last two decades – that can specifically guide researchers who have recently approached North Korea in their inquiries. Read this journal article by Gianluca Spezza at The Northeast...
UNICEF and Epistemic Authority in North Korea, from Humanitarian Emergency to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), 1995-2015
Abstract: This study analyzes the work of UNICEF in the DPRK (North Korea) from 1995 to the late 2000s, asking how and why UNICEF pursued development objectives, particularly...
Evolution of EU-DPRK Interactions: From Engagement to Stalemate
Abstract: The article examines the European Union (EU)’s policy toward and interactions with North Korea (DPRK) in order to answer the question, “To what extent, despite prima facie...
North Korea and the Role of Science Diplomacy
This study analyzes education, science, and technology initiatives as a potential bridge toward peace on the Korean Peninsula by asking what the potential impact of education and science...
Education and Development in North Korea: The Push for a “Science-Based Economy” Under Kim Jong Un
Abstract This Issue Brief analyzes the development of education in North Korea with particular focus on the Kim Jong Un era and the recent government’s emphasis on scientific...