Search results for: David Mulrooney
Challenging Western Views: Understanding Power and Stability in East Asia; An Interview with DAVID C. KANG
...Dr. David C. Kang is Maria Crutcher Professor of International Relations at the University of Southern California. A leading expert in East Asian security, international relations, and political economy,...
Creative Diplomacy and North Korea
This policy brief looks at how North Korea has figured as an issue on the sidelines of the recent APEC Summit in Beijing in the context of developments...
Security and Development in Afghanistan after 2014, 6th annual ISDP-AMS Conference
The topic under discussion during the 6th annual ISDP-AMS conference, held December 6-8,2013, focused on the future prospects for Afghanistan after the planned withdrawal of international forces at...
Afghanistan and its Neighbors: the Challenge of 2014
...and the current forces will be reduced. Appears in the Conference Report “Security and Development in Afghanistan After 2014 6th Annual ISDP-AMS Conference December 6-8, 2013”, Ed. David Mulrooney...
Rethinking National Security: China’s New Security Commission
The newly established Central National Security Commission (CNSC) of China held its first meeting on April 15. The inaugural meeting of this body marks a significant milestone in...
Crisis Management – 5th Annual ISDP-AMS Conference
This conference report collects together a number of papers on the subject of “crisis management” presented by the key speakers at the 5th Annual ISDP-AMS Conference held on...
A Changing Calculus Towards North Korea in Beijing?
North Korea’s advances in nuclear weapons and missile technology, in combination with its recent escalation of bellicose rhetoric against the US and its allies, have triggered a reassessment...
North Korea’s Fourth Satellite Launch Attempt
North Korea has announced that it will attempt another satellite launch between December 10 and 22. As North Korea has an active nuclear weapons program and launching a...
The Situation in West Asia and North Africa and its Impact on the International Strategic Configuration
Report from the 4th Annual ISDP-AMS Conference
Revitalizing INSTC: Analyzing Geopolitical Realignments and the China Factor
...Blockade?” National Interest, 11 November 2021,; David Lague and Benjamin Kang Lim, “China’s Fear of an American Blockade,” Reuters, 30 April 2019, (Accessed 18 November 2022). [7] Miriam...