News & Media
Niklas Swanström Quoted in Aftonbladet on DPRK Dialogue Meeting in Norway
“Det är en mycket liberal organisation och jag tror att dess inflytande på USA:s regering är väldigt litet. Med det sagt är alla försök till dialog med Nordkorea positivt. Alla former av kommunikation är mycket bättre än konfrontation.”
Summary of the ISDP Forum “DPRK Perspectives on Current Security Challenges”
On May 5, 2017, the Institute for Security and Development Policy welcomed Hwang Ik Hwan, Director of the Institute for Disarmament and Peace (IDP), DPRK, and O Chol Yong, Research Fellow at the same institute. Both speakers have spent one month as Visiting Fellows at ISDP. The event was moderated by Dr. Sangsoo Lee, Senior Research Fellow […]
Niklas Swanström quoted in Helsingborgs Dagblad on the Effects of Changes in US Policy towards North Korea
“Det skickar helt fel signaler till Nordkorea. Det som händer nu är att Kim Jong-Un får vatten på sin kvarn och kan konstatera att ett tufft agerande är ett bra agerande som har lyckats”
Summary of the ISDP Forum: A Billion Ballots: Managing the World’s Largest Democracy
On April 27th, 2017, the Institute for Security and Development Policy in collaboration with the welcomed Dr SY Quraishi, the former Chief Election Commissioner of India, to share his understanding of the Indian electoral system. Often called the world’s largest democracy, India constitutes the largest electorate in the world today, having conducted 16 General Elections […]
Walter Kegö was quoted in Malaysian Digest on the Russian Mafia
April 28, 2017: Walter Kegö was quoted in Malaysian Digest, in the article Russian Mafia Groups Reportedly Operate In Europe On Behalf Of The Kremlin, on claims about the Kremlin employing Russian mafia groups in Europe. “Russian mafia groups in Europe prefer to stay in the shadow”. Kegö added the Russian mafia has a big influence not […]
Dr. Sangsoo Lee quoted in Around the Rings on the relations between North and South Korea
“Inviting its Northern neighbor to the 2018 Winter Olympics would be a good option for South Korea to prevent a North Korean provocation during the Games”
Summary of the ISDP Forum: Perspectives on Post-referendum Turkey
On April 20, 2017, the Institute for Security and Development Policy welcomed Suat Kınıklıoğlu, Senior Fellow with ISDP, and Halil M. Karaveli, Senior Fellow with the Turkey Center of the Central Asia-Caucasus Institute & Silk Road Studies Program Joint Center, for a presentation on perspectives on post-referendum Turkey. Gareth H. Jenkins, Non-Resident Senior Research Fellow with the Turkey Center of the […]
Niklas Swanström in P4 Extra: “The current situation is the most dangerous since the Korean War”
“The current situation is the most dangerous since the Korean War”
Roundtable on Crisis management in the Korean Peninsula
On April 28, 2017, ISDP hosted a roundtable to discuss the escalating tensions on the Korean Peninsula and crisis management options. In attendance were ISDP Director Niklas Swanström, Hwan Ik-hwan, and O Chol Yong, ISDP Visiting Fellows from the Institute for Disamament and Peace, North Korea, ISDP research staff, and a number of specially invited […]
Niklas Swanström in P1 Morgon on the Tensions Between North Korea and the US
“Ytterligare sanktioner kan få Nordkorea att agera militärt.”