The Institute for Security and Development Policy regularly issues a variety of publications ranging from shorter Policy Briefs to more comprehensive studies in its Asia and Silk Road Papers series. Explore the different series below. If you’d like to contribute to our publications, please contact Jagannath Panda, Editor, at, and read our submission guidelines.
Mending Sino-Japanese Relations
The meeting between Xi Jinping and Abe Shinzô on the sidelines of the APEC Summit—the first between the two leaders—represents a tentative step forward for Sino-Japanese relations. In spite of […]
Creative Diplomacy and North Korea
This policy brief looks at how North Korea has figured as an issue on the sidelines of the recent APEC Summit in Beijing in the context of developments such as […]
Knark – En Miljökatastrof
Narkotikaindustrin är en bransch som inte bara har en negativ påverkan på människor och hälsan. Vid produktion, transport och distribution av narkotika förstörs miljön genom kemisk förorening, skogsskövling som hotar […]
Slavery and Human Trafficking in the 21st Century
An estimated 30 million people are subject to modern day slavery, including forced labor and sexual exploitation. Moreover, the trafficking of human beings is one of the fastest growing transnational […]
It’s Democracy, Stupid: Overcoming the Middle-Income Trap
Why do many middle-income countries fail to sustain sufficient economic growth to become high-income countries? This policy brief argues that a political process leading to democracy and better governance is […]
Turkey and China: An Emerging Partnership?
To what extent do deepening Sino-Turkish relations presage a new strategic partnership as Ankara looks for a more independent posture vis-à-vis Western powers? This policy brief assesses the significance of […]
Peace plan – Political hurdles in the Mindanao peace process
The insurgent Moro Islamic Liberation Front faces political and economic challenges in implementing a peace plan for a new, autonomous political entity in Mindanao called Bangsamoro. Martina Klimesova examines why […]
Towards a “Reset” in U.S.-North Korea Relations?
More than two years on since the last official talks between the two countries, recent indicators from Pyongyang and Washington could prove auspicious for a “reset” in U.S.-North Korea relations. […]
Religion in Southeast Asia: Diversity and the threat of extremes
Until recently, parents in Thailand would leave their children in Buddhist temples while they worked the fields and factories. Buddhist monks would act as caretakers and teachers. Religious education was […]
The Electrification of Myanmar
Myanmar has the lowest electrification rate among the ASEAN countries with less than 30 percent of the population having access to electricity. Upgrading its electricity infrastructure and updating legislation governing […]